Religious Education For Children (CCD)​

Registration is now closed.

Our parish religious education program helps children develop a real and personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and offers a firm foundation in the Catholic faith. It is open to 1st-8th grade children in the parish who are not attending Catholic school.   We also provide sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation. Children will only be eligible to receive these Sacraments of Initiation after two full years of participation in the program.

Please complete the forms below or contact the parish office for a hard copy. There is a $35 registration fee per child. Payment may be submitted online through Faith Direct or Venmo, or delivered by mail or in person to the parish office (1315 8th St NW Washington, DC 20001). If paying online or via check, please include your child’s first and last name and CCD in the memo.

Class begins immediately after the 9AM Mass (at approximately 10AM) and meet until 11:00AM. Children are required to attend Mass each weekend and are encouraged to join catechists and classmates at the 9AM Mass. 

For more information, please contact Sylvia at