Sacramental Life is an important part of our community. Please read on for more information about each sacrament at Immaculate Conception.
Parents known by the pastor and registered with Immaculate Conception for three months can schedule a baptism. If you are a parishioner and are interested in having your child baptized, please contact Mary Stafford in the parish office at or 202-332-8888 for more information about scheduling, baptism preparation classes, and godparent requirements.
If the parents are not parishioners, their pastor must send a letter to Immaculate Conception granting permission to have their child baptized at Immaculate Conception. Visiting clergy must present a letter of suitability from their diocese to the church before the baptism.
Baptisms for infants usually take place Saturdays at 11 or 11:30AM in the church. Please use the baptismal registration form to register your child for the sacrament, which you will receive from the administrative assistant.
A date for your child’s baptism will be set only after the completed baptism registration form and the sponsor forms have been submitted to Immaculate Conception. If the parents are not able to find eligible godparents, the baptism can still proceed without godparents.
Both parents must attend a baptism preparation class. Classes are offered at Immaculate Conception. Please contact the office for more information.
Godparents (Sponsors)
A godparent plays a pivotal role in a child’s life. As such, a godparent must be:
• At least 16 years of age.
• A practicing Catholic who has received First Communion and Confirmation, and attends Mass every Sunday.
• If married, must be married within the Catholic Church. If single, must not be cohabitating with his/her girlfriend or boyfriend.
• A parishioner registered at Immaculate Conception, worships regularly and has been giving to the parish from their time, talent, or treasure for at least three months. The godparent (sponsor) does not have to be present at the baptism. A proxy may stand in his or her place. A non-Catholic Christian may not be a sponsor. That person may participate as a Christian witness but does not replace the sponsor. A Catholic who is not practicing his or her faith cannot participate as a Christian witness or sponsor. Only one godparent is required. If you would like to have two godparents, one must be male and the other must be female (i.e. there cannot be two males or two females).
Marital Status
The parents are the first teachers of their child in the faith. There may be reason to postpone the baptism if the parents are not practicing the faith, or have no intention of living a Catholic life in harmony with the Gospel. If you were married outside of the Catholic Church (not before a priest or deacon), the pastor will set up an appointment with you to explain the process of getting married in the Church.
Letters of Good Standing
The pastor will issue a letter of good standing for those who meet the requirements to be a godmother or godfather.
“Forgiveness is not a result of our efforts, but is a gift. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit who showers us with mercy and grace that pours forth unceasingly from the open heart of Christ crucified and risen.” – Pope Francis
Catholics are required to go to Confession once a year and if in a state of mortal sin, and are encouraged to receive the sacrament regularly. Confession reconciles us to God, restores the life of grace in the soul and helps us receive Communion well. An examination of conscience can aid in making a good Confession, as well as knowing the differences between mortal and venial sin.
Saturday: 5PM
Sunday: 8:30AM, 10:30AM, and 5:30PM
Mon, Wed, Fri: 7:10AM and 8AM
Tuesday: 6:10PM and 7PM
Thursday: 6:10 and 7:15PM
Parishioners: The wedding donation is $500 for active, registered parishioners who have been registered with the parish for a year before scheduling the wedding. To arrange a date, please contact the parish office at 202-332-8888 or send an email to
Non-Parishioners: The donation for non-parishioners is $2,000. We require that all couples work with their local parish to complete a marriage preparation program and gather all the necessary documents necessary to marry in the Catholic Church. Your pastor must send a letter saying that you are free to marry at Immaculate Conception in order for you to secure a date. You must also bring your own priest or deacon to preside at your wedding.
Please keep in mind that there is a six-month minimum for marriage preparation. If you live outside the Archdiocese of Washington, you will be required to do marriage prep in your own diocese. Also, if you live outside the parish boundaries, you should ask your local parish for this assistance.
Anointing of the Sick
This sacrament is for anyone who is seriously ill, in danger of death, elderly, or preparing for major surgery. If you or a loved one would like to receive this sacrament, please contact the office.
First Communion and Confirmation
For information about First Communion or Confirmation, please contact the office.