Small Groups & Bible Studies

Men's Bible Study

The men’s Bible study meets every Monday night at 7:30pm in the St. Michael’s Center (1317 8th St NW). We are always happy to have new members and you are welcome to just show up! Contact Peter at with any questions. 

Women's Small Group

The women’s Bible study is currently meeting Tuesday nights at 7:30PM in the St. Michael’s Center (1317 8th St NW).

Contact Colleen with any questions or to be added to the email list for updates. 

Discipleship Quads

The Discipleship Quad Process is four people of the same gender who meet weekly for about a year to reflect on Scripture and Church teaching so as to encourage each other to be a more faithful disciple of Jesus Christ in the Catholic Church through tangible actions and, when finished, continue the discipleship chain by starting the process again with three new people. The benefit of a Discipleship Quad to each individual person is knowing the love of Jesus Christ and deepening a relationship with him. Read more about them at

There are currently a few men’s and women’s Discipleship Quad programs running. New ones will begin on a rolling basis. If you are interested in learning more or participating in a future quad, you can email Sylvia at

Second Thursday Small Groups

Join us the second Thursday of every month for small group discussion and dinner following the 7PM Holy Hour. We gather in the vestibule at 8:05PM or the end of adoration (whichever comes first) and then head to Ghostburger (1250 9th St NW) for dinner.

The discussion topic varies each month. We typically read a homily or reflection related to the liturgical year. No pre-reading is required. 

Click here to RSVP and access the reading or email Sylvia at if you have any questions!

Calling all Parents!

Are you interested in fellowship with other parents and young families? We are hoping to begin a small group to view The Catholic Parent, a six-episode series that aims to encourage parents as they embrace their God-given role to form their family in the richness of the Catholic faith. Questions? 

If you are interested in learning more or have questions, please contact Catherine Boizelle at or 910-568-9103.